Athletics: The Hornets


PS 84 is offers a wide array of after school team athletics opportunities for our students. We believe that participation in extracurricular activities like sports teams supports our school’s mission to foster self-confidence and mutual respect among our students.

Some of our athletics teams play and compete under the Public School Athletic League (PSAL) framework while others are intramural teams and clubs. Athletic teams may be facilitated by a member of the PS 84 staff as a standalone program or may require enrollment in one of our in-house After School Programs to participate.

As a community that prioritizes student voice and student choice, we do our utmost to offer a robust array of team and club opportunities that best reflect the interests of our current student population. From year to year, some of our athletic offerings may vary as a result.


PS 84 currently offers a Boys Basketball Team for our Middle School Students, and we have had a Girls Team in the past that we would happily bring back based on interest. Students must be enrolled in our After School Program in partnership with Grand Street Settlement. Our Basketball Team daily practices bolster players’ physical health, social skills, and capacity for effective teamwork both on and off the court. PS 84’s Basketball Team is proud to compete within PSAL’s middle school league throughout the winter season.

Flag Football

Throughout the fall athletic season Middle School students enrolled in After School with Grand Street Settlement are encouraged to join our coed intramural Flag Football Team which competes with other area teams. As a strictly non-tackle sport, Flag Football encourages students to prioritize teamwork and strategy in their play.

Volley Ball

PS 84 offers a girls intramural Volley Ball Team that plays in a league with other area Middle Schools throughout the winter and spring. The Volley Ball Team supports students’ social skills development while enjoying a full-body workout. All middle school girls are invited to join.

Heart and Sole Running Club

Middle School girls have the opportunity to join our Heart and Sole running club which is affiliated with Girls on the Run, an organization dedicated to helping girls find their inner strength through physical exercise. Any girl in grades 6-8 is welcome to join Heart and Soul and enjoy group running sessions throughout the fall.

Step Team

The PS 84 Step Team is a coed program for our Middle School students who are enrolled in After School with Grand Street Settlement. Step Team is an a capella activity wherein students perform a percussive dance style using their bodies to create sound.

Dance Team

Information coming soon!