School Leadership Team

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a DOE-mandated committee in which parents work with the principal, teachers, and staff to establish school priorities, review the school budget, and evaluate the school’s progress.

The SLT's main function is to develop the Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) which sets annual goals for the school in all areas and focuses on developing educational strategies for improvement. The team consists of the Principal, the PTA President, the UFT representative, teachers, parents, and staff members. This ensures that families and school staff participate in the decision-making processes at public schools.

The SLT meets once a month at a regularly scheduled meeting, and SLT updates are provided to the PTA members on a regular basis.

SLT elections are held each spring for two-year terms.

PS 84 SLT Bylaws

All meetings take place via ZOOM at 4pm.

Below are the meeting dates and minutes for the 2024-25 school year:

2024-2025 School Leadership Team 

Sereida Rodriguez-Guerra Principal

Millie Lopez UFT Chapter Leader

Teresa Bosque PTA President

Kyung Jeon Miranda Elected Parent

Jessamyn Lee Elected Parent

Esther Hernandez Elected Parent

Kimberly Lopez Elected Parent

Megan Monachello Elected UFT

Melody Paniagua Elected UFT

MIchael Costa Elected UFT